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Stylishtop is the premier destination for pre-owned luxury handbags online. We democratize luxury by sourcing and acquiring unique handbags and making them available online on stylishtop at up to 70% off retail prices. We are highly curated and specialize in luxury brands such as Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Celine. We guarantee authenticity for all handbags.
We surely understand that the biggest concern to shop second-hand luxury is the authenticity. This is why we spent much attention and efforts to establish an algorithmic and a database to guarantee our high accuracy rates.
Every items listed on our website has been carefully authenticated by our specialist authenticators. Certifications will be provided for all products.
On rare occasions, our advanced algorithms may not perform as expected. In order to ensure that our customers consistently have an outstanding experience, we provide certain financial guarantees.
Our guarantee states that if STYLISHTOP’s algorithms fail to detect a counterfeit item and instead verify it to be authentic, we will reimburse the amount spent to acquire that item(Current Retail Price) in exchange for the item itself.
We constantly source for more designer brands and the latest styles for sellers. Unfortunately, every item listed on our website only has ONE availble. So, do not hesitate and purchase what you covet!
All submissions are reviewed by our buying team who perform extensive research on the particular model. They consider a variety of factors including; brand, condition, size, material, demand, seasonality, and even our own inventory. We have been in business for many years and collected a large and proprietary data set that enables us to offer competitive quotes in a consistent way.
Our listed price are carefully set based on market value of the Items. Negotiation on prices will not be accepted.
• MasterCard( Through Paypal Guest Check out)
• Visa(Through Paypal Guest Check out)
• Paypal
• Layby
• Cash when pick up
Yes. We do offer layby.
If you need a bit more time for payment, LAYBY would be a great option for you.
- You can secure your dream bag by simply making a deposit and paying off the balance within 1 month.
- We will ship you bag once the final payment has been received.
We only accept layby via bank transfer at the momont.
We can also assist you in placing your order over the phone or email.
If you require assistance or have any questions please call us on 0450050260 or alternatively email us at and include your best contact details.
Alternatively, you can place an order at our showroom - Lower Level 115 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
If you choose to cancel your layby offer. The DownPayment( INITIAL DEPOSIT) will be retained.
If you choose to return an item purchased using layby, a service fee of 15% will be charged.
Please feel free to contact us( if you need more time accomplish the payment, or we will cancel your order.
No. We offer free shipping to anywhere in the world. Once your card has been authorized or your Paypal account confirmed, we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment within 1 business day.
AU Express (1-3 business days): Orders within Australia
International (7-14 business days): International Standard.
We ship via auspost, which is fully trackable and insured.
Step one:
Complete our online quote form with only 5 mins! The expected time to receive your quote will be 1-2 business days.
Step two:
You can either ship to or drop by our store if agree with the quote
Step three:
Upon receipt, we need 2-3 business days for our authenticity and quality check.
Get payment !
Direct Sell option:
Get payment immediately upon successful authentication of item(s).
Get payment once it sells.
***Bags not accurately described or unauthentic will be refused and charged a $65 return fee per order as per our terms.
Consignment means that you get paid once your item sells from our site.
Direct sell means that you get paid once after authentication.
When you CONSIGN with us, you will receive a return of:
- For items less than or equal to $2000 AUD, you will receive 80% of the listing price
- For items more than $2000 AUD, you will receive 85% of the listing price
When you choose DIRECT SELL, you will receive a return of:
- For items less than or equal to $2000 AUD, normally you will receive 35% of the retail price.
- For items less than or equal to $2000 AUD, normally you will receive 40% of the retail price.
We accept authentic bags (including purses and wallets), jewellery and shoes that are in good condition from the following designers only:
• Balenciaga Bag
• Bottega Veneta Bag
• Burberry Scarf
• Bulgari Bag /Jewellery
• Celine Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• Chanel Bag /Jewellery/shoes
• Chole Bag
• Dior Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• Fendi Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• Givenchy Bag /shoes
• Gucci Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• Hermes Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• Louis Vuitton Bag /Jewellery /shoes
• MCM Bag
• Prada Bag
• Salvatore Ferrragmo Bag/shoes
• Saint Laurent Bag
• Tiffany Jewellery
• Valentino Bag /shoes
• Van Cleef & Arpels Jewellery
Please be note that for luxury shoes, we only accept brand new condition.
As your purchase will be prepared quickly for dispatch, please contact our Customer Service Advisors as soon as possible to cancel or make changes to an order. Unfortunately we are unable to cancel or make changes to any orders once it is being shipped and we do not accept return order only if the items are proved to be faked.
For all other pre-owned items, we do our best to provide images of the overall condition. However, there may be a slight difference in the tone of colors depending on the resolution of your monitor. AND there may be a 1-2cm difference in measurements depending on how the item is measured. Please feel free to email us to request more pics or videos if you need more details.
Accessories( Dust Bag, Authenticity cards or Care cards, Receipts. Etc) of pre-owned items will be stated in their product information.
5 days AU returns accepted, for any reason.
Unfortunately, we don’t accept return from other countries.
Shipping both ways and transaction fees will be charged upon return.
Layby orders – for returns of LAYBY orders a service fee of 15% of the price will apply. We recommend that if there is the chance of a return, that you purchase the item outright (ie. not using layby) to ensure you can return for free.
To return an item, simply email us at quoting your order number, which must be done by 5pm on the last day of the 5 day returns period.
We will then provide you with directions for shipping the item back to us.
Once received and inspected, we will refund you via your original method of payment.
• Return or exchange requests have to be submitted within 5 business days from the date of receipt.
• Item must be in its original purchase condition, including the original product packaging, All packaging must be unmarked and not defaced in any manner.
• Any item that you received with tag(s) attached must be returned with the same tag(s) intact.
• Item purchased as part of a set or multi-item pack has to be returned as a whole set.
• All returned item will be reviewed by STYLISHTOP. Item should also match the written or photographic documentation of the item's condition provided when requesting the return. Returns that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted and where applicable, customer may be charged with a fee.
• Our flexible returns policy makes your online shopping experience even easier. We practice close monitoring of the number of returns made by customers, and continued returns will be flagged and potentially refused at our discretion.
• STYLISHTOP reserves the right to offer refund based on our sole discretion.
• This Returns Policy does not apply to items that have been stated as non-exchangeable and non-refundable on
• Shipping both ways will be charged upon return.
All returns will be reviewed by SYTYLISHTOP and we reserve all rights to approve/deny any return value. Once your return has been received and accepted by us, your refund will be completed.
If you paid by bank deposit, we will refund you via cash deposit, excluding the delivery costs and the transaction fees. You will need to provide us with your bank account information.
If you paid by MasterCard/Visa/Paypal, We will refund to the account you've paid with, excluding the delivery costs and the transactions fees. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way.